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Do you want to stay in touch ?

We long to share our adventure with you! For the moment, we are still experimenting. You can help us: How can we transform our real-live experience into some captivating digital adventure for you ? There is so much more to tell than we are able to! We live so many emotions... and usually, the time we need to prepare a video or blog is much longer than the actual experience !

As we dream about sharing our adventure, we are open to social media to let people know we exist. But we are no experts! Before leaving on our journey, we didn't use any of them. But we learn and we (hopefully) improve.

Here is how we try to make it work:

is our main window in the social media world. It seems simple and understable to us, and we feel it is less intrusive than other networks. You can find our nicest pictures there and some posts are accompanied by a story (those with the colour banner), which makes it like a little blog. Ideally, we would like to post a new story every week, but it does not always work like that :-)))

Arthur, Calin and Naomi, the three big youngsters of the expedition, also have their own instagrams where they post the photos they take.

Yes, Tao, our expedition truck and home, and 7th member, also has his own instagram! He tells his stories in particular to children, but kid-adults may like it as well :-)

The little mole ('Krtek' in Czech) is the most popular children's series in the Czech Republic, since 1957, when it was created there. Arthur's project is to make him travel with us and to share his adventures with his fans.

This one is for our project to clean up nature a little bit every day to make our planet look even nicer... we hope that perhaps this little daily gesture might inspire others?

Facebook is used by many of our friends and people we met. So, we try to keep it alive...

Youtube 7x7.family
Youtube is where we put all our videos, TV-reports, slideshows and podcasts.

Why this website, if you have social media?

It's the place where we fully open up: the happy moments, the hard decisions, the joy and frustration of living together 24/24, the gains and pains of school with your parents, sometimes even sadness and deception... Because travelling full-time isn't like an ever-lasting holiday, it is much more. Whatever's your reason to follow us, we would be happy if you like coming back to our website :-)

A summary update of our life and travel adventures, in French, Czech or English. We plan to send it every season to evoid spamming your mailbox, so don't be afraid to sign up ;-)

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 Many thanks to ALS EURO for their gracious help with the construction and hosting of our website


Instagram 7x7.family
Facebook 7x7.family
Youtube 7x7.family

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