
Creation of the non-profit organization

Creation of the non-profit organization

To facilitate contacts with institutions, partners and the media, and to facilitate the implementation of projects that we plan during the expedition, we have established a non-profit organization "7x7 z.s.". It is registered at the Register Court in Prague under number IČ09340751.

The nature of the non-profit organization 7x7 z.s.

In a broader sense, the main goal of the organization is to develop the awarness of the general public about some of the global challenges of our civilization, especially social, educational, social and environmental, and the individual responsibility of each of us to face them. At the same time, it intends to contribute to their solution. He wants to focus in particular on a full understanding of the overgenerational imperative "What kind of planet will we leave to our children, and what children will we leave to our planet?" and to inspire individuals and social groups to actively engage in related changes.

With this intention, it will also support the 7x7 family expedition, which, thanks to the specific possibilities and experience gained during the trips, will enable the implementation of specific projects in accordance with the goals of the association.

The main purpose of the association 7x7 z.s. is in particular:

a) To develop an open tolerant society, free from prejudice and any form of violence and discrimination.

b) Protect nature and reduce the negative impacts of human activity on it.

c) Promote education that respects the child, his or her personality and individual needs.

d) Promote Non-Violent Communication, sociocracy and other methods and means that help the development of personality and effective coexistence and cooperation.

e) Contribute to reducing social inequalities, both economic and cultural.

f) To lead individuals to realize their own personal responsibility for the development of society and the state of our planet.


 Many thanks to ALS EURO for their gracious help with the construction and hosting of our website


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