
Project - Listening to Tao's story

This part is only in French :-( but we still want to tell you about it.
Pictures and videos are cool, but they might make you think that our life is always simple and cool. It's not ;-) Our words, voices and music permit us to tell what otherwise could be forgotten: what we discover about life and about ourselves, what we learn and above all: the emotions we live. They make our story complete.

This part is only in French :-( but we still want to tell you about it.
Pictures and videos are cool, but they might make you think that we are always happy or that everything is always simple. Our "stories to listen to" permit us to tell what otherwise could be forgotten: what we discover about life and about ourselves, what we learn and above all: the emotions we live. These creations make our story complete.

But life is not like that, not even on a journey. 
We carefully choose our words, voices and music to make you part of our emotional world. These creations make our story complete.

Nous aimerions que nos histoires soit faciles d'accès pour tous les âges. Les vidéos sont bien, mais donnent souvent l'impression que tout va toujours bien. Grâce aux histoires à écouter nous pourront mettre en scène ce qu'on n'a pu filmer, ce qui ne va pas bien ou ce qui nous fait réfléchir. En plus, nous n'avons encore jamais vu un récit de voyage en audiolivre. Peut-être que nous sommes uniques ?

"Visual cover" of our series of Audio stories

07.11.2021 00:31 Tao


 Many thanks to ALS EURO for their gracious help with the construction and hosting of our website


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