
Project - Creating our home

The first really concrete project for my 7x7 family was changing me into their home-on-wheels. They started in summer 2018, but instead of the “few months” as planned, it took them 2 years and the remade my whole interior ! And even now, they continue to repair and improve all the time. I’m a great, never-ending project :-)

Here, you can get a little idea of what we went through, season by season...

Spring 2018 - Our test trip
First of all, we made our first testing trip with me to see how great it is to live inside me ! We all fell in love with one another… see for yourself how much fun we had !

Little 8-year-old Arthur sees me for the first time! From Nice (South France), they came all to Anger (Nord-West France) to buy me and pick me up.

This is what my cabine looked like when they bought me. Only sitting places for 2 kids and 2 adults. They had to improvise to get everybody seated.

When they slept, the big adult bed took up all the interior space and you could only creep under it to move to the cabin. That had to change!

Baby Enzo was only a few moths old... and he already chose "his" window, where his room would be for the years to come.

Daddy and the kids take their first pictures on my hood. The following years this will be a favorite climbing-spot and observation-post for everyone.

Summer 2018 - The first big changes
First Petr wanted to re-look my outside. I didn’t really understand why, I was already beautiful and green, so what more could he want ? He took me to a working area where he found lots of friends who knew how to do lots of things. He worked very hard, 12h a day or even more and he slept inside me. Meanwhile, the kids were finishing their school year and packing… 
In this time, he made my terrace bigger, renewed the electricity, put in turning seats and a double seat in front, an air refreshing system, the box on my but, and he put up the spare wheels complete with a heaver to change them…. and much more… 

Autumn 2018 - My motor checked and more big changes
Petr continued to learn all my mechanics by heart, to change some very used parts, and do a huge maintenance of my intimate lower parts. He found a friend that lent him his bus garage for a few weeks. Denisa and Petr also conceived the multifunctional 4-seat with stock space everywhere, they had it made and they put it into the cabine. 

Winter 2018 - My first winter sleep
Meanwhile, it had gotten too cold to work on me, so I did a nice winter sleep and my family got a little rest. They spent this Christmas in Prague with their Czech family. But in their heads, they kept planning and coming up with new ideas to update me !

Spring 2019 - The big shock
As soon as the weather got better, my family continued working on me. They also made a small trip to the Netherlands - the best place to be if you want to construct your camping-car by yourself - and did some big camping-car shopping. But then they found out a horrible thing : my construction was all damaged by water getting in. Finally, they had to choose : risk my slow demolition or take me apart and start all over again. So that’s what they did. It was a terrible shock, but they got over it all together and started all over again. 

Summer 2019 - Wood, wood and more wood…
My family chose to remake my interior all from wood. A very very nice carpenter let them use all his machines and gave precious councils and they made me all over again… They decided to recreate the interior so that it would fit exactly their needs. They made many prototypes and test-models that made it possible, even for the kids, to imagine their future rooms. 

Autumn 2019 - Water and electricity
Some other friends turned out to have precious qualities, so the adventure went on. Many people helped us and I moved on like a patient that seeks the right professionals to help him 

Winter 2019 - My second winter sleep
This time my family spent the Christmas pause with their family in the Netherlands. And I slept again, waiting for their hands to stop freezing… 

Spring 2020 - My interior gets cosy
Already in winter, Denisa starting sewing my interior : matraces, curtains, seats… and other details, to finish the interior. But meanwhile CORONA slowed down all life and even my family had to postpone their take-off. 

Summer 2020 - The last details and small testing trips
We should have been on our big testing trip, unfortunately made impossible by CORONA. So we made some small testing trips, in nature, on private fields, because everything had to be ok with the lockdown. 

But by the end of August, nothing could hold my family back any more. I was ready to hit the road and they were done with waiting. They moved in!

06.11.2021 22:44 Tao


 Many thanks to ALS EURO for their gracious help with the construction and hosting of our website


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